Results Differences Tab (Scenarios)

This screen allows comparison of scenario results obtained from deterministic simulations.

The Results differences tab will be initially empty. Once one or more scenarios have been created and after the scenarios have been modified and simulated, result differences will be displayed and the Key differing results table at the top will be populated by default with those single-value economic results that show differences with the base case. The View all differing results link allows you to add other results, either single-value or array, from PetroVR Plan or PetroVR Econ results from the tree view to the left of the pop-up Scenario Results window, and click on Mark as key. You can remove key results from the list by using the Remove Remove option in the right-click menu.

  • Show incremental values: Check this box to display the difference of each scenario with respect to the base case, either as Absolute differences or as Percentages.

Use the sub-tabs below to view the differences in the currently selected result between the scenarios and the base case. You can hide/show results for individual scenarios or the base case by selecting/deselecting them in the list to the left.

  • Graph: Display results as bars (single-value results) or as line graphs over time (array results).
  • Table: Display result for each scenario as a table row.

Individual well or well completion differences are not included in the Results differences tab and reports, since a project with many well completions would yield too many results to be of practical use. To analyze differences taking into account specific wells you should tag the relevant variables as results. See Commands available (variables)..

When a result is a date, Absolute differences are displayed as the difference in days from to the date of the base case. In the case of Percentages, date results are undefined (since calculating a percentual difference with a date base value would be meaningless).